Friday, 5 December 2014

Re-shooting schedule

I have come to the decision of re-shooting the footage in the studio of Lewis and Amber as they did not work. I already had the green room booked for lunch time so this will be easy to organise. I have decided I am going to re-shoot the following shots: 11,12,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,50,51 and 56.

So, I re-shot the scenes I needed to and they have come out much better than the previous which I am happy with. The reason they came out good this time was because I focused it myself so that I knew it would work because the auto focus did not work in the previous shots. I am happy with all these shots but there is one shot which for some reason didn't focus properly but I feel this could have been because prior to recording, my artist kept moving so the focusing I did probably didn't work because he moved position. Also, he smirks a little bit near the end which I don't really like as you can tell he is laughing at something happening in the room, making it look unprofessional.

As it is out of focus, I will have to re-shoot it but this won't be a problem as it is only one shot and I need to shoot some of Amber another day anyway so this will work out how I want it to.

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