Friday, 20 March 2015

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? (film one more audience feedback, write about)

Throughout the time I spent researching and producing my ancillary texts and my music video, I often relied on audience feedback as this helped me notice things I may not have noticed and also it gives me room for improvement. I used the site to create all of my surveys as it is an easy site to use and is very reliable. Before the whole process, I created a survey to gain some basic audience feedback on their music taste, what they prefer etc, this can be seen on my post 'Audience Research'. I also got feedback on my chosen song which can be seen on my post 'Audience Research: Feedback on My Song'. Also, when creating my magazine advert, I created 2 designs but was torn between which one to use as my final advert. Due to me being unable to decide, I thought it would benefit me if I made a survey and got people to tell me their opinion and eventually this helped me decide on which one to use. These survey results can be seen on my post about 'Making the Magazine Advert'. I also created a paper survey in order to gain feedback about my CD cover. The results can be seen on my post 'Making the CD Cover'.

In my first initial feedback, I put up a poll on my blog where I then sent out my blog link so people could vote. The poll I posted asked the audience: 'What interests you the most within a music video?'. Then the choices I gave them to chose from were: Narrative, Performance, Abstract, Meaning and Artist Appearance. The reason I chose to ask this question was because I wanted to know the main thing which attracted people to watching music videos so that I could incorporate this in my video so that it would be most appealing for my target audience.

The results I got were both what I was expecting and hoping for because I initially wanted to make a music video with a narrative. As most people wanted a narrative, I decided to follow this because I felt like then it would show how I listened to my audience and also I knew from my feedback that my product would appeal the the audience. So that my video appealed to a wider audience, I decided to listen to some of the further feedback and also incorporate performance because, from doing some research, I saw that most successful existing videos do have both narrative and performance. From listening to this audience feedback, I feel as though I have made a successful product that appeals to my target audience.

As well as this poll, I also sent out a survey via social media and email for my media teacher to send out. This survey was some general questions for my audience to answer in regards to their music preference and how they consume music videos etc. Click here for the link to my survey. The results of this survey can be seen below in a SlideShare. The basis of this survey allowed me to collect feedback on how often people consumed music videos, how they consumed them, whether they watched videos only of their favourite genre, what they expect to see in a music video, whether they prefer narrative or a performance, whether they liked it if the artist appeared, their favourite videos so I could look at them and possibly get some inspiration and if there is anything specific that would cause them to stop watching or not watch. A lot of this feedback led to me making precise decisions when planning my music video as I wanted to make my video as appealing as I could for my audience and I feel as though listening to this feedback allowed me to make a product which was successful. I learnt a lot about what not to incorporate in my video so that people would not stop watching it and I also learnt what to include so that they would stay interested.

For some more feedback, I decided to create a survey based on the song I chose to create my video to. The reason I did this is because I wanted to know how people would feel with my choice as I knew the song would be quite unknown due to the genre and style. Although some people disliked it, there were many people who gave me positive feedback on the song and thought if I presented the video in the right way that it would be successful. Below are the results I got and I have explained how I felt about the feedback. From this feedback, I learnt that quite a few people didn't like my chosen song but this didn't put me off from choosing another. I can see from my recent feedback that people thought the song and the video fit well together and they thought I presented the video well so this shows I made the right decision with the song. I also learnt by choosing an unpopular song that people would not conform to the ideology they may have previously seen. Having this song allowed me to create my own ideology and therefore making my product unique and in the long run, this proved successful.

Some more feedback I learnt from was the surveys I sent out for my digipak front cover and magazine advert. When making my magazine advert, I wasn't too confident in my product so because of this I asked some of my peers to comments on my first draft.

This was my first draft and when I showed it to my peers, the main comment I got was that it was good but it was very bland and colourless, so this made it unappealing and they said it didn't catch their eye much. They also commented on how they thought it would be better to make it more clear what I am advertising by possibly adding the hit single (which is the song I am making my video to). I listened to this feedback and the second image was my second outcome. I then asked for comments on this and the majority was positive but thought it would be better if there was some advertisement for where you could purchase this product. I then went back to editing and added what my audience felt I needed. Below is my final outcome after listening to this feedback.

Above were the two outcomes that I created and were left to decide between. The reason I made the second one with the overlapping ghost effect was because this fit in with my front cover on my digipak so I felt by having continuity throughout my products, that they would be appealing and the audience would be able to identify them as coming from the same artist. As I was unable to decide myself, I decided to send out a survey through my media teacher by email so that I could get feedback from both media and non-media students. I felt by choosing both that I would get more comments on my products and also the comments wouldn't be biased. Below are the results:

The last survey I did was different to the way I sent out all of my other surveys. I decided to make some printed physical copies of my survey about my CD cover. I chose to do a paper survey because I felt like having my survey online was becoming repetitive and I felt like having a physical copy allowed my peers to put down exactly what they're thinking. I gave them to a range of different ages, some media students and some non-media students so that my feedback wasn't all the same.

(insert survey and results)

I did this survey to gain feedback on my the front cover of my digipak as I was unsure on which front cover to use. From this feedback, I learnt that the majority of the people preferred the third one as it looked most effective and realistic. By doing this survey, it benefited me well because I was able to choose my front cover and then put it into my digipak as a whole. After putting it with the rest of my digipak, I was able to see how it would look to my target audience and I was very pleased with this because when I showed my peers, they gave me really positive comments and said it was very professional and if they saw it in the shop or online, that they would purchase it, based on how good it looks.

As you can see, these survey results influenced my choices throughout these stages and I learnt from them as I was able to see things that I perhaps did wrong or things that didn't look appealing and I got to improve my products because of the audiences feedback. 
To gain feedback on all 3 of my products, I asked some of my peers a couple of questions about them. I did this before completing the final draft for my music video so this is based on my previous edit. I asked a few people about my products via a survey online which I sent out and I also filmed some people giving me verbal feedback. The reason I did this is because I felt by filming them and seeing them verbally talk about my products, I would receive genuine feedback as opposed to if I just did an online survey because I have had past experiences where people have gone on my survey but not really taken them seriously so this would not benefit me.
I am going to be showing all my peers my third draft of my music video so they can give me feedback and hopefully I can improve my video.

I asked 6 questions overall, these are the questions:

1. What is your gender?
2. What is your age?
3. Do you think all 3 of my products are effective and work well together? If so, how?
4. After seeing the video, what do you think the narrative is?
5. Is there anything I could do to improve my video?
6. Would you watch it again?

Here is the link to my survey: Audience Feedback and below are the results on a prezi.

These are the videos of me filming people to get feedback:

Maise, 12 Years Old

The first person I got verbal feedback from was my sister, Maisie, who is 12 years old. I chose to film her first because I wanted to get feedback from a younger persons perspective because this is who I will be aiming my product at and I want to compare her feedback to an older persons perspective. Before filming, I showed my sister my ancillary texts and explained the questions I would be asking her so she understood. I asked all of the above questions and I feel as though she answered them really well, bearing in mind her age. At some parts I felt she was a bit nervous and wasn't quite sure what to say but despite this I think she understood the questions very well and gave me some good feedback that I can learn from. At some parts I do feel she was a bit shy about saying what she liked because when she was off camera, she mentioned to me that she really liked the dissolves I have used to transition to different shots because of how the clips blend together. I am happy that she likes this because that is one of the things I was hoping people would like in my video. By looking at my survey results and her verbal feedback, I can see that one of my peers has said the same as Maisie which was to edit some of my footage into black and white because of my other products being in black and white, so this shows how she is not the only one who thinks this. She also mentioned about the hands holding on the album front cover and how I have used it at the end of my video, which can also be seen in another of my comments on my survey. This is good because it shows more than one person has picked up on this, showing to me that this is obviously a really good use in my video. Overall, I am really happy with this positive feedback and it gives me an idea on how my target audience may feel when watching it.

Alison, 45 Years Old

The second person I got verbal feedback from is my mum, Alison, who is 45 years old. I chose to get some feedback from both a young person and an adult as I felt I could compare the feedback. Before filming, I showed my mum my ancillary texts and then my music video so that she was fully prepared for the questions I was going to ask and also so she had them all fresh in her mind. From looking at both videos, I can clearly see that when my mum was giving feedback she was less hesitant than my sister as she had more knowledge on what I was asking her and understood the questions more. I am really happy with the feedback I got as I feel like the feedback on how they all link together matches what other people have said so it shows that everyone has picked up on the good things I have used. Also, it shows how it is obvious how effective my products are because of the fact they have mentioned similar things. I felt like asking my mum for feedback was a good idea but may have been a bit biased due to her being my mum but I believe she was being honest about the information she was giving me. I like how she picked up on the digipak's front cover having the holding hands that interlinks with the video at the end because this was my aim as I wanted people to make the connection between the two. Overall, I am really happy with her feedback and I feel as though it confirms that my products are effective and I have done the right things, like following conventions, to make them look like professional products.

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